Seagulls News

Overseas Rights Change Abandoned

Image for Overseas Rights Change Abandoned

A proposal from the top six in the Premier League to end the equal distribution of overseas television income has fallen flat on it’s backside.

With the earlier news – Click Here – of the plan by the big six to try and change how overseas television money would be distributed in the future, talks held a few weeks back didn’t see any tangible progress and a future meeting has now been cancelled as obviously, there is not an appetite for change with such a financial gulf already existing between teams.

The plan suggested by the monied teams in the top flight was that 35% of the overall workwide rights would be distributed on a merit basis, as opposed to the system of equal distribution between all teams.

Different clubs and different fans will have their own opinion on this, some seeing it as a money grab, others seeing it as justified owing to differing worldwide appeal.

In any event, 14 clubs needed to agree for a change to go through and that was never going to happen.

With an agreement to ‘adjourn’ the last meeting to allow ‘further discussions’ in November, plans to hold those talks were brought forward to yesterday however the BBC reported that yesterday’s meeting had been cancelled with no agreement any nearer.

No doubt the issue will return in the future but for now at least proposals have been completely shelved.


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